CSGO Operation Release

May 24, 2017 | 0 | 2491| |

Counter strike has released a new operation. The latest operation releases 11 months after the previous operation ( Operation Wildfire ). Operations are a form of purchasable DLC introduced in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive consisting of exclusive official and community created content including community maps, an exclusive operation coin, and stat tracking throughout the duration of the operation.

Operation Hydra

Operation Hydra has been released after intense pressure from the community. Operations have been loved by the community due to new maps, new game modes that are playable during the operations.

Operation Hydra Tag

Operation Hydra features the all-new Overwatch Hydra Events – a 2v2 competitive mode, a 5v5 mode that requires broad weapon proficiency, and twists on classic game rules including a chance to play using a special heavy armor, low-gravity sniping, team death match, knife and zeus only and others. There’s more- Operation Hydra features a set of new and returning community maps available for casual and competitive modes, along with a full Guardian Mission campaign, an Operation coin upgradeable to the new Diamond level and Operation Journal with friends leaderboards, the opportunity to gain extra XP. Operation weapon drops, and the all new Operation Hydra case.

Operation Hydra Events

Operation Hydra coin

There will be weekly events in Operation Hydra. These events in Overwatch Hydra will be rotated on a weekly basis. There are three events in Operation Hydra:

  • War Games
  • Wingman
  • Weapons Expert

While these events will be available to all players for free, Operation Hydra coin holders will receive extra XP and make progress towards upgraded coin and item drops.


This is a 2v2 game mode which will feature a single site. It is a quick best of 16 matchup in a smaller team environment. This game mode will help players learn the importance of coordination and trading frags. It is a very fun mode to play with a single friend and not fret about the incompetency of your entire team.

Operation Hydra Events

Weapons Expert

The Weapons Expert Game Mode is the second type of Game mode that has been introduced in the Hydra Operation. This game mode is extremely interesting. Once you buy a weapon in this game mode, you cannot buy it again. This presents a very weird opportunity to the players to coordinate their buys with their team. If a team buys multiple AWP’s in a single round and loses the round, it results in them not being able to buy the AWP on those players till the end of the half. It’s definitely not a mode for pubs and something that you need to play with friends and probably in a group.

The above two game modes will also have a separate exclusive skill group. This skill group will be exclusive to these game modes.

Separate rank

The final game mode consists of several smaller parts. The third game mode is called War Games and it will have several smaller parts.

Heavy Assault Suit

Play casual bomb defusal rounds with the help of a new suit of armor available for purchase in the buy menu. Like a tank, you’ll make a bold entrance as you plow through enemy territory. Prepare to be the center of attention!

This mode provides players with a special suit which increases their armor manifold. It will be a very tank heavy mode with the person who manages to do the most damage gaining a very big advantage for their team.

Headshots only

Headshot Only


If you want to get better at Counter Strike, you got to hit those headshots. The Headshots only mode will not count the body shots and you have to hit the headshots only in order to win the round. This relies heavily on your accuracy and the person with the better and the faster accuracy wins

Hunters – Gatherers

Every kill drops a dogtag – work with your team to collect enemy tags and recover your own. Your actions score points for your team, so work together and push for victory!

This gamemode is more like capture the flag, except that you have to kill your opponents in order to capture their dog tags. This is fun to play as players have to collect the tags in addition to killing their opponents.

Stab Stab Zap

This is essentially the knife mode in the event. You will have access to a Zeus as it is pretty much considered a melee, knife like weapon. For all the knife round players, this is the place for you to practice.

The Flying ScoutSman

This mode reduces the gravitational pull of the map. So players would be floating, and be unstable on their feet and have to shoot their opponents.

Trigger Discipline

Every shot that you miss will deal damage to yourself. You have to be sure of what you are about to hit instead of just spamming one area in the hopes of hitting the opponent. Shoot only when you can be sure of dealing damage to the enemy.

There are four new maps and 3 old maps which are making a return. These include a mixture of hostage and defuse maps. The community loved maps of Agency and Black gold have made a return with this operation. The operation is selling for $5.99 and will last for eighteen months.

Operation Hydra is a welcome step

Black Gold

Operation Hydra comes after repeated pressure by the community. This release has been in line with the latest trends coming from Valve. They have been listening to the community and are also interacting more and more with the community. As a result of this they have decided to make the operation, which took them quite a long time to make. It will be interesting to see how the community accepts the operation. For now it does look like the operation is packed to the brim with amazing game modes and new maps.



The author

Esports journalist. An esports fan, former wannabe pro and occasional angry young man. You can find him trying to climb the Dota 2 MMR or just chilling in Rocket League. Or maybe building an entire city in Cities: Skylines. The current mood is always a surprise.

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