Dota 2: Fnatic won Dota Summit 12

March 14, 2020 | 0 | 323| |

Despite not being a DPC tournaments, this event was pretty interesting to watch. We got to see some of the best teams in the world playing for a $150,000 prize pool. Even though this event was supposedly going to be something like a bootcamp for the Los Angeles Major, this just didn’t happen. 

As you know, due to the coronavirus outbreak, ESL decided to postone the event. We don’t have any information about what will happen with it. For now, pretty much all big LAN events are either cancelled or in the process of being cancelled.

Fnatic are the champions

We can’t really sayt that we are surprised by what happend in Dota Summit 12. Even though moist people thought that EG was the team who will win, this didn’t happen. Instead, the SEA powerhouse absolutely ripped through the competition. After a nearly flawless Group Stage, they’ve went on to beat all of their enemies, including the one in the grand final.

The final series of the event features Fntic and OG.Seed. Although the young European team had it’s chances, they were just not good enough to withstand the pressure from the SEA powerhouse. As a result, Fnatic ended up as winners and took home the big check.

The author

Hi there, my name is Veselin and I have been playing dota for more than 10 years now. I am a die-hard eSports fan and I will try to keep you updated on all the new and exciting stuff happening in the Dota 2 and eSports universe. Expect predictions, analysis and recommendations for your betting success. If you have any questions you can find me at @NoiselesS123 in twitter and

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