MoOZ will coach beastcoast

May 28, 2020 | 0 | 503| |

Even though there are many people who don’t really like beastcoast that much, you can’t deny the fact that they are the best team in South America. After todays’ newes, we believe that they will become even stronger.

Who joins the team?

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If you’ve followed the Dota 2 scene in the last couple of months, you won’t be surprised by what has happened. Joel Mori “MoOz” Ozambela has left business associates, which was a newly-formed squad. Now, around two months later, he decided to join another the leading South American team.

Some of you might not know, but MoOz has been in the pro dota scene for nerly three yearsa now. He started playing in Gorillaz-Prodie back in the days.

Last year, the player joined BC’s roster but he only stayed for a few months.  After several bad results, he decided to make a move towards J.Storm. Sadly, things thing go well there either, which is why he is now back in BC. However, instead of playing, he will be taking the coach role.

What’s happening with beastcoast now?

As you might know, beastcoast is playing int he ESL One Birmingham 2020 Online. Even though they have some pretty formidable opponents, we believe that they have what it takes to win, especially MoOz will be by their side.

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The author

Hi there, my name is Veselin and I have been playing dota for more than 10 years now. I am a die-hard eSports fan and I will try to keep you updated on all the new and exciting stuff happening in the Dota 2 and eSports universe. Expect predictions, analysis and recommendations for your betting success. If you have any questions you can find me at @NoiselesS123 in twitter and

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