X-BET JSC attend the upcoming World Economic Forum

January 21, 2019 | 0 | 1728

The rising star of the eSports industry, X-BET JSC, will attend the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos on 21 – 25 January 2019, at the first “eSport Leadership Roundtable” held in Davos.

“It is a great honor for us, as a young company, to not only attend this prestigious event, but to also introduce key developments in the booming eSports industry,” commented Daniel Miller, CEO of X-BET.

Global earnings in the eSports industry surpassed US $ 650 million in 2017 and are expected to triple by 2020, according to experts. With China and the US as world leaders in this up-and-coming market, eSports is also gaining in popularity in Europe. It is not uncommon to see tournament prize pools reach $24 million in eSports disciplines such as Dota2. So it’s not surprising that tech giants such as Microsoft or Tencent are investing billions into this fast growing industry.

In the CIS states and Russia, X-BET has already positioned itself as the 3rd leading brand in the eSports sector. X-BET is also steadily gaining market share in Europe and is considered one of the top 10 “eSports Players” worldwide.

Our platform is unique, with a custom engineered frontend designed for the eSports player, unrivalled connection speeds, key payment mechanisms including 50 crypto currencies, and our website being accessible and supported in 12 languages. At the same time, we are developing a revolutionary, in-house voucher system, VSafe, facilitating lightning fast transaction speeds”, adds CEO Daniel Miller, who garnered his Industry experience with the likes of Crown Melco and Genting.

Successful business model

According to Miller, the business model has successfully proven itself “We offer an unparalleled eSports experience with in-house tournaments, exclusive live streams, world-class eSports teams which we sponsor and 40% more live eSports markets than the competition.” X-BET wants to be a role model in this industry, paying particular attention to topics such as the prevention of match-fixing and Gambling, Gaming – integrity and ethics “Only then can eSports grow and survive as a long-term and sustainable sport”.

Chairman of the Board, Axel von Schubert, President of JP Capital Investments Ltd, majority shareholder and angel investor in X-BET, is extremely pleased and honoured to be attending the Davos roundtable: “Davos is a major milestone for X-BET and credit goes to our CEO, Daniel Miller, who has had the strength and expertise to assemble a first-class team which propelled X-BET into the league of the world’s top 10 eSports players in less than 2 years”.

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